A new hook from Papa Crook!

With his first introduction to reggae being provided by early Ska songs like ‘Liquidator’, ‘Double Barrel’ and ‘Monkey Spanner’, Papa Crook is quickly becoming an exciting yet seasoned name within the British Ska scene.
Following recent collaborations with the likes of Tippa Irie and Peter Hunnigale, Jet Star is pleased to share the release of his latest solo single, ‘From a Jack to a King’.
Originally pressed in 1963 by Ned Miller and later covered by the undisputed "King of Rock and Roll", Elvis Presley, Crook is the latest artist to throw his pork pie hat in the ring with a new, reimagined Ska rendition of this classic country tune.
You can stream and download ‘From a Jack to a King’ by Papa Crook here.
If you can’t get enough of this infectious song, head over to our YouTube channel where you can find the official lyric video for ‘From a Jack to a King’.